Significant structural changes to the business unit, new roles created, new leaders and operational alignment required
Leaders had taken on new remits including new geographical responsibilities and leading teams virtually
Focus on supporting executives to set development goals (rather than performance goals) to reinforce executive’s individual contribution to creating a high performing culture
IECL was (and remains) contracted to deliver Impact Coaching to Executives within the Technology unit. The structure includes 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions with an IECL Coach over a 6 month period. The focus of the program is:
Personal development: Supporting leaders to grow through coaching to meet future requirements.
Managing effectively through change: Empowering and enabling leaders to lead through change and contribute to building a high performance culture.
Shift from performance to developmental goals: Help navigate thinking and conversations with their direct reports around developmental goals.
3 cohorts over 3 years
42 Executive Managers have participated
100% of coaching engagements have been a successful match and the leaders’ overall satisfaction levels are exceptionally high
84 NPS average across cohorts
A key element to the success of the program is due to the high level of sponsorship and strong support from the Executive
When asked to describe the most important learning participants have said:
“Coaching made me aware of; self-confidence and believing in my own abilities, framing statements, carving out time for imagining the new.”
“I have changed my work patterns to include exercise, time outdoors and other practices to restore some balance.”
Sponsor testimonial:
“IECL have been a true partner, supporting our business in the personal and professional development of our Executive Manager cohort. The team at IECL listen carefully, create solutions that suit our business, and are responsive and engaging when we need them. The results of the programme speak for themselves and we look forward to continuing the relationship moving forward.”
IECL Coaches were surveyed post coaching and asked their perception of the leaders’ progress. Benefits included:
Greater self-awareness
Increased confidence
Understanding behaviours, triggers and blind spots
Deeper stakeholder engagement
Increased motivation and engagement
A chance to test thinking and take more responsibility for their role
More effective leadership of team