Course Details

Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification

About Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification

After applying your Level 1 skills, you will realise there is much more to know about coaching to truly understand the craft. IECL Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification builds on your Level 1 tools, techniques and skills with a focus on relational intelligence. At Level 2 you’ll grow your capability to build the coaching relationship which creates the safe space for the coaching work to be done. You’ll learn about mindful presence, coaching dialogue, deeper levels of listening, powerful questioning, perspective taking and the dynamics at play in coaching. Your focus of coaching will shift from coaching the situation to coaching the meaning being made of the situation.

Level 2 Certification is open to all graduates of Level 1 Certification. We recommend you also have a minimum 25 hours of coaching practice between Certification Levels 1 and 2. These courses form the foundations of IECL’s ICF accredited coach education pathways to ICF ACC and PCC credentials, however Level 1 and 2 Certifications also stand alone as fully rounded and rigorous coach training programs.

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From August 2023 you will be provided with this digital badge which can be validated, recognised and shared on social media platforms.


This course includes an intensive three day live workshop, supported by pre-and-post online learning (done at your own pace within a set period). That work is made up of asynchronous readings, videos, online discussions, post workshop practice groups, and a reflective essay. The entire course runs over a seven week period, and requires a total commitment of 45 hours ( 21 in the live workshop, and 24 in the pre-and-post workshop period; allow around three hours per week, in your own time).

Your IECL Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification includes:

  • Preparation work online, from two weeks prior to the workshop
  • A three day intensive coaching skills workshop including all materials
  • Three co-coaching sessions
  • Additional learning activities online
  • A written reflective learning task

Includes participation in IECL’s Alumni professional development program.

Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

With Organisational Coaching Level 1 Certification completed you are on the way to ICF’s ACC credential.

Other courses required:

  • Organisational Coaching Level 1 Accreditation
  • Mentoring and Performance Evaluation, Level 1/ACC

You will also need 100 hours of coaching logged, 75 of which must be paid, and to pass ICF’s exam. For more information visit ICF’s ACC credential.

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Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

With Organisational Coaching Level 1 Certificate completed you are on the way to ICF’s PCC credential.

Other courses required:

  • Organisational Coaching Level 1 Accreditation
  • Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification
  • Organisational Coaching Level 2 Accreditation
  • Mentoring and Performance Evaluation, Level 2/PCC

You will also need 500 hours of coaching logged, 450 of which must be paid, and to pass ICF’s exam. For more information visit ICF’s PCC credential

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