Homecase studyTransforming performance and behaviours via learning solutions

Transforming performance and behaviours via learning solutions






A large financial services organisation was seeking a more innovative, agile and effective approach to developing their people’s performance than their existing traditional approach, which included a balanced scorecard and an annual performance conversation.  


Dubbed ‘Motivate’ IECL developed an industry-leading development program for the organisation’s people leaders to improve their ability to have effective development and performance conversations, whilst also creating a coaching culture throughout the organisation.

Underpinned by the growth mindset concept and centred on a behaviours-first approach, Motivate focuses on quality goal setting and regular coaching and performance conversations. Delivered in-person or online, the program is highly-contextualised and consists of two key modules: Coaching for Growth and Performance-Based Conversations.

IECL’s approach to delivery is 20% teaching to 80% practice / structured reflective conversations and involves building on existing knowledge and providing the confidence to immediately apply skills in the workplace.

Importantly, the program has been refined multiple times to integrate improvements, contextual nuances for different divisions and to streamline the program for virtual delivery.


In partnership with IECL, the organisation transformed the performance and behaviours of their people leaders, through the design and delivery of a pioneering learning solution.

  • 6,750 total participants since 2016.

  • 50% increase in capability of leaders to have quality performance conversations.

  • 93% acquired new coaching conversation skills.

  • 94% feel able to recognise coaching opportunities in all conversations.

  • 96% feel confident in actively practising key learnings.

  • 95% acquired new performance-based conversation skills.

  • 100% understand the benefits of adopting and promoting a growth mindset.

  • 95% feel able to have effective two-way performance-based conversations and show a behaviours-first approach.

In recognition of the value of the program, Motivate became mandatory for all new leaders to the organisation and all employees new to leadership, following the initial 2 year roll out phase.
