Steve Lawrence
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Steve’s coaching experience spans across industries with emphasis on aviation, hospitality, and finance sectors. He has worked with senior leaders and teams across Asia and North America. His engagements focus on helping executives and teams to relate, communicate and collaborate with greater influence and impact. He also works with leaders transitioning or leading organisational change.


Steve’s coaching style is highly engaging, experiential, and thought-provoking. He helps counterparts quickly get to the crux of the issue, discover new meaning and shift behaviours in inspired ways. He utilizes a strengths-based and narrative coaching approach. Steve’s approach enables his counterparts to gain clarity, get unstuck, and develop themselves in positive, self-directed, and sustainable ways.


Steve brings extensive senior management and corporate learning experience to his coaching practice. He was a former Head of Learning & Development for Cathay Pacific Airways and Cathay
Dragon. During his 20-year tenure, Steve was responsible for managing training strategy and function. He was also charged to lead frontline leadership development, alignment, and engagement initiatives for both inflight and ground services.


  • Coaching for executives who want to lead and develop their teams with greater influence and impact

  • Group coaching for creating higher levels of workforce alignment and engagement

  • Team coaching for creating shared purpose, improving ways of working, managing conflicts, engaging stakeholders, and building a learning culture

  • Developmental coaching for relating, communicating, and collaborating more effectively; and for improving performance, growth and wellbeing

  • Coaching as part of leadership development or cultural change program


  • Regional CEO, Global Asset Management Firm (China) - transitioned counterpart from sales director role into regional head role. Coaching resulted in counterpart to build effective internal stakeholder relationships. 

  • CEO, Aviation Ground Handling (USA) – coached counterpart to navigate change and pivot their business model during COVID. Coaching resulted in counterpart  building up and maintaining team resilience and wellbeing.  

  • General Manager, Food & Beverage (Asia Pacific) -   coached counterpart to build trust and enable crucial team conversations without fear of consequence.  Built executive presence and leadership confidence. 

  • Head of Legal, Pharmaceuticals (Asia Pacific) - coached counterpart to repair dysfunctional relationships with fellow senior managers. Coaching resulted in transitioning relationships from toxic to healthy.