Course Details

Organisational Coach Supervisor Certification

About Organisational Coach Supervisor Certification

Professional organisational coaches require professional coaching supervisors to ensure they have the support required to deliver a high quality service to their clients.

IECL train coaching supervisors to global professional standards to ensure there is a good supply of high quality coaching supervisors available in the marketplace. The training design follows that of our Certifications, with online pre-work, a three day workshop on Zoom and post-work and practice sessions online to embed your learning.

Coaching supervision is a structured and collaborative process where a coach, or a group of coaches, meet together with a trained coaching supervisor to reflect on their coaching practice, share experiences, and receive feedback and support from their peers and the qualified supervisor. This practice is commonly used in the field of coaching to enhance the professional development of coaches and improve the quality of their coaching services.

IECL coaches are regularly supervised and we've been researching and writing about coaching supervision for decades. International Coaching Federation recognise the value of supervision; you can submit up to 10 hours of Coaching Supervision (delivering or receiving) as core competency CCE units in your credential renewal. The Association for Coaching (AC) recommend one hour of supervision for every 15 hours of coaching practice.

If you want to know more about supervision, or find a supervisor, take a look at this blog on the topic.

For more on this program, see below.

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From August 2023 you will be provided with this digital badge which can be validated, recognised and shared on social media platforms.


Four weeks (part-time) incorporating a workshop over three full days (delivered virtually)

IECL has been at the forefront of Coaching Supervision with a peer reviewed paper on our supervision model published in 2009 in the International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring. We continue to forge the way for coaching supervision in the Australasian coaching industry. This program has been approved by the ICF for 38 CCEs.

Our coaching supervision course is designed to enable you to learn and develop skills for supervising (even if you don’t want to become a supervisor yet).

In this course, you will:

  • understand the supervision process to promote both self-supervision and supervision of others
  • learn how to supervise individuals and groups
  • develop the skills required to deeply reflect on your coaching
  • become more comfortable with the reflective space in coaching
  • Advance your coaching practice and expertise
  • Develop your understanding of professional ethics and their application for organisational coaching supervision

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