Peggy Titmarsh
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Peggy began coaching in 2008. She works as an organisational executive and team coach across many industries such as chemical, finance, manufacturing, luxury, legal, and utility. Most of her clients are senior leaders, executives, and C- suite. Her focus is on transition coaching, accompanying professionals in their transition into a new, bigger, or often more senior role. Beyond coaching in the corporate world, Peggy enjoys working in the field of sustainability helping people to grow their social and environmental impact.


Peggy’s clients describe her style as warm and down-to-earth yet challenging and report to value her sharpness, intuition and business sense. She focuses on the counterpart’s strengths and the whole system in which they operate in. Her approach is creative, visual, strengths-based, and appreciative.


Before becoming a full-time coach in 2015, Peggy worked for the largest
chemical company in the world in diverse roles like strategy, new business development, M&A and in her last role, learning & development. Peggy enjoys working with people of diverse backgrounds and ideas. She developed international teams where her mix of Western heritage with broad intercultural experience helped her to get the best out of teams and individuals.


  • Transition coaching to prepare for more senior roles, including C-suite

  • Coaching to develop better self-awareness and personal brand

  • Coaching in the field of sustainability, social and environmental impact

  • Coaching for increased wellbeing

  • Team coaching as part of leadership programs


  • Chief Information & Digital Officer, Utility - developmental coaching following 360 feedback. Achieved improved strategic leadership, self-awareness, and personal brand identity.  

  • Director head of Operations, Banking - transition coaching moving to C-level. Coaching resulted in substantial change of leadership style and awareness of self.  

  • Head of Sustainability, Construction - transition coaching from expert role within a division to proposing and setting up a new department for strategic sustainability including the preparation for the business case.

  • Senior Partner, Law - transition coaching dealing with loss of role and moving to new, global role achieving clarity on personal and professional level and increased wellbeing.

  • Director, Coatings developmental coaching turning a ‘subscribed’ coaching situation to manage a harassment case into a successful coaching scenario, being promoted to next management level.

  • Team, Luxury – multiple one-day team coaching workshops as part of a series of global three-day leadership program.  


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