After applying your Level 1 skills, you will realise there is much more to know about coaching to truly understand and artfully practice your craft. IECL Organisational Coaching Level 2 Certification builds on your Level 1 tools, techniques and skills with a focus on relational intelligence. At Level 2 you’ll grow your capability to build the coaching relationship which creates the safe space for the coaching work to be done. You’ll learn about mindful presence, coaching dialogue, deeper levels of listening, powerful questioning, perspective taking and the dynamics at play in coaching. Your focus of coaching will shift from coaching the situation to coaching the meaning being made of the situation.
Level 2 Certification is open to all graduates of Level 1 Certification. We recommend you also have a minimum 25 hours of coaching practice between Certification Levels 1 and 2. These courses form the foundations of IECL’s ICF accredited coach education pathways to ICF ACC and PCC credentials, however Level 1 and 2 Certifications also stand alone as fully rounded and rigorous coach training programs.